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                                                  東南科技大學   數位媒體設計系_國際競賽獲獎作品

Submission Map


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  年級 作品名 獲奬狀況 影展名稱
1 一年級 麵店, Noodle Shop》 入圍 歐洲 科索沃 生命安全國際電影節
2 一年級 好像是7點吧, Free Time》 入圍 牙買加 京士頓國際動畫電影節
3 三年級 麵包換咖哩, Bread and Curry》 入圍 美國 邁阿密獨立製片影展
4 三年級 色彩奇蹟, Color Miracle》 入圍 歐洲 索非亞國際動畫電影節
5     入圍 德國 里本國際電影節
6 大四專題 石斛親語, The Flower of Father》 入圍 俄羅斯 莫斯科短片影展
7     入圍 牙買加 京士頓國際動畫電影節
8 大四專題 冥冥, Marriage With Ghost》 入圍 美國 斯特拉斯堡電影節
9     入圍 牙買加 京士頓國際動畫電影節
10 大四專題 厄爾庇斯之星, Elpia Star》 晉級半決賽 美國 紐約布魯克林 反叛思想電影節
11 大四專題 出口為食, Out for Food》 銅奬 台灣 數位媒體設計獎
12     入圍 義大利 切法盧電影節
13     入圍 勒克瑙 國際兒童動畫影展
14 大四專題 瑕疵的自由, Freedom Of Defect》 入圍 俄羅斯 加加林博士國際學生影展

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出口為食, Out for Food》


A teenager dumped the food that he didn't like to eat into the kitchen waste bin, but did not expect he was eaten by the kitchen waste bin and entered a bizarre world. In order to return to the real world, he began to embark on an adventure of finding an exit.

冥冥, Marriage With Ghost》


This story is about the traditional culture of ghost weddings in Taiwan. Sometimes, when an unmarried girl dies, her family will prepare a red envelope to be thrown on the side of the road according to the girl’s wishes. Then the family will hide and wait quietly and observe. If a suitable man picks up the red envelope. He must marry the dead girl as a wife. 

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Poster_Freedom Of Defect 《好像是7點吧》_Free Time_Poster
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麵店, Noodle Shop》


In this lively street, there are many people coming and going, and there is a noodle shop on the side of the alley. The smell of aroma makes the guests come to the door. The female boss uses the very skillful skill to cook the noodles, so that everyone's face is very satisfying when they leave.


103_石斛親語_The Flower of Father_英文


Every single person in society is indispensable. This film aims to communicate that everybody has their own place in society, regardless of race, ethnicity, or class, and they should not be judged by circumstance of birth.

厄爾庇斯之星, Elpia Star》

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色彩奇蹟, Color Miracle》


On a rainy day, an invisible girl meets a boy in the park, the boy invited the girls to play with her. And the most mysterious thing is that when the boy close to her, she will see the color that had never seen before…  At last, When the boy left, he gives her a gift to see the colorful world forever.


厄爾庇斯之星, Elpia Star》


Every single person in society is indispensable. This film aims to communicate that everybody has their own place in society, regardless of race, ethnicity, or class, and they should not be judged by circumstance of birth.


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《石斛親語, The Flower of Father 》


