數媒系學生作品獲 美國「學生世界影響力電影節」 最佳動畫奬 提名

數媒系學生作品《家之路》、《呼嚕》、《Gift》  獲得
2023 美國「學生世界影響力電影節」(Student World Impact Film Festival)
「最佳動畫獎」(Best Animation Award)  提名 (Nominated)!
本年度影展收到來自 120 個國家/地區的 13,868 部作品,頒獎典禮將於 2023 年 6 月 25 日舉行。

This is an image
A film that pushes the boundaries of cinematic conventions, guided by the director's innovative creative vision.

The films creates a visually rich and immersive world for the audience to get lost in.

An extraordinary cinematic achievement that seamlessly blends technical prowess, compelling storytelling, and thought-provoking themes.

導演:許珮甄  組員:楊絮芳、蕭意臻、胡佳穎、卓三和

From the very beginning, this film had me hooked. It's a true gem.

The storytelling in this film is a work of art. It's beautifully crafted and emotionally resonant.

From the opening scene to the final frame, this film held me captive with its sheer cinematic magic.

導演:黃冠諺  組員:姜怡安、張瑄祐、黃崇祐、盧致瑋

"A work of art that boldly embraces a unique creative vision, pushing the boundaries of storytelling."

"The cinematography is masterfully executed, with fluid movements and dynamic framing that enhances the storytelling."

"The film is a shining example of the magic of cinema, transporting viewers to new worlds and igniting their imagination."

導演:張語晴  組員:許安妮、黃子馨